Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Five

Another week has come and gone… Time goes by faster and faster these days. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was throwing my cousin's baby shower and now in just a week it will be Thanksgiving. So, here is this week's Friday Five!

1. Christmas Lists

I swear if one more person asks me what I want for Christmas… I feel like I have reached that part of my life where I honestly do not know what I want for Christmas and I feel bad for asking for expensive things. So, give me some suggestions.

2. Finals

Finals are looming in the near future. This semester I am incredibly lucky as I have only two classes that will have finals. Unfortunately, one of which is my hardest class, finance. YUCK! I am going to try and start a finals series next week. Fingers crossed that it will happen.

3. Bruins' Fan

I absolutely love this video! I hope he will always remember this day because it is something not everyone will ever get to experience. I dare you not to smile during this video!

4. S Club 7

It happened! It really happened. They reunited and it was so good. They performed a melody at a telethon on BBC last week and it was so worth the wait! If you are in the UK they are doing a tour, go for me!

5. UVrApe.

If you have not read the article (A Rape on Campus) Rolling Stone put out. Do it ASAP. It is insane and it will make you feel things you weren't sure you could feel. Being from VA and UVA being just an hour & half drive from where I live, reading this story hits home. Not in the sense I have ever been a victim but just that it could be anyone. A friend and I were discussing it today, we just don't hear of such things happening on our campus. Recently there was an incidence reported and our school president has made it his mission to find the people responsible and make sure they are punished and that alone makes you feel a little bit safer. If you or somebody you know have been a victim seek help! 

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